Wednesday, April 20, 2011

only problem of india....?!

i just wrote this piece as a comment on a blog. what i meant to be a simple comment has become too lengthy;so i thought of placing it here. moreover i thought i shall also add some more points to vindicate my arguments.

i've never heard of this one anna hazare till a month back. all of a sudden he captures the front pages of dailies. fine.

he comes from nowhere to fight corruption, and....CORRUPTION ONLY,and nothingelse. does that imply he finds everything else is supremely perfect with india and indians?

was he too busy in his restroom during GUJARAT CARNAGE? was he deaf when there was hue and cry about the BABRI MASJID demolition? was he dead when GRAHAM STAINES and his 2 sons were burnt alive in a wagon?(just close ur eyes 'n imagine being burnt to death and imagine the death of ur kids right infront of ur eyes)? was he busy with his wife when the downtrodden were('n are) illtreated and abused(mirchpur/khairlanji etc) by the caste people?

we NEVER HEARD his voice then.

the SILENCE that-one-hazare maintained during those unfortunate, fateful events forces me to question about his ulterior motives and unveils his real face.

and not only that. the dailies that try to promote and make him a hero for his so-called-fight-against-corruption are also equally abominable n mean. i think in a span of one/2 years, a couple of human rights/RTI activists had been killed; but even such a sacrifice of life had not captured the attention of people.nor was it given the prime importance by these "NATIONAL" dailies as the fast of an old man. if this is not double standard? what else is?

people shall open their eyes.

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