Wednesday, January 27, 2016

a tale of 2 students! or a house divided !!

during last few weeks, there were few prime news that were paid great attention. two of them were about students.

one was an unknown japanese girl from distant hokkaido . her story had been added extra punch and masala in social networks and regular news media, to make it most presentable, to make it most impressive.

it was about hokkaido railway company operating a long-distance, loss-making, least-utilized trains. less than 10 people shunted up and down for schooling in that track. just to help them commute and continue schooling UNINTERRUPTED, two trains were operated twice a day for 3 years non-stop. if not for that girl's education, that train service would have been stopped long ago. learning she depended on that train, it was decided against closure; it was decided to extend the service till completes her schooling!!

running trains 3 years for a girl and her education! how noble !! 

if not for just a single girl, for 10 people service was kept running. THAT spoke for what it takes to address the needs of the people. it shows that government, companies and their services are there TO SERVE THE PUBLIC.

it underscores, just not the universal values a human being deserves in general, but also the respects accorded to those values. it highlights the real motto of PUBLIC SERVICE. it sets an exemplary society, for the whole world to emulate. it earns the heart-warming respects from every part of the world, cutting across all national boundaries.

companies are NOT there just FOR PROFIT MAKING.
services are NOT provided only to the privileged, but TO EVERYONE that STANDS-IN-NEED of those essential services.


another story about another student from another part of the world! another country called india, a student had ended his life. what ended?! it's easy to dismiss that as a suicide case, but.....fact is, a 26-years old student had been cornered and forced to death!'s a suicide! nobody's hands are soiled with the blood of the dead ! 

apathy and indifference of this society offered no hope, no comfort to that suffering soul!

the country, which is secretly fractured along multiple dividing-fault-lines, now stands almost completely divided into two sides, each accusing and warring with the other

who is right and who is wrong ?! each side justifies itself ! each side finds fault with the other !!

how to understand this situation now ? how to get to the facts ? how to judge from a NEUTRAL view point ?

troubles started since yakub mamon hanging and intensified during muzaffarnagar baaqi hai documentary screening.

allllllllll attempts were made by ABVP across pan-india to stop muzaffarnagar baaqi hai screening. at many places ABVP successfully took away the right to freedom of expression. when the same issue flared up in CUHyderabad, this fellow talked against the objections raised by ABVP to stop screening of that documentary.

clashes, letters, reminders, committees, punishments, ostracism and death.

india has carefully constructed a society which is soooooooooo negative that only few are permitted to grow. others have no room to ask for equality/dignity/respect/opportunities.

couldnot avoid remembering a quote(modified) of shiv khera - " in a positive society, an average performer grows to perform even better. but in a negative society, even a best performer is reduced to average."

simply, an EQUALLY supportive society, would support EVERYONE EQUALLY to grow; but a destructive society never allows ALL but only a few to grow. some privileged crows would be painted and coloured like parrots. some mynahs would be burnt to pitch-black-cinder and would be termed ravens(or anti-nationals ?!).

i get a smirk when some naive say that pakistan & china are the worst enemies of india; i dont think pakistanis were in the campus of CUH. was it chinese that cornered that poor fellow to death? who killed those 100+ and displaced 50000+ in muzaffarnagar riots? who killed more than 2000 in gujarat?

pakistanis? chinese? IS? missionaries?

more indians are getting killed by fellow indians rather than by pak/china! indians are the worst enemies of indians!!

rather than killing and abusing fellow indians.....rather than hating pakistanis and chinese, indians would fare better, if they help each other to grow better. 

that's TRUE PATRIOTISM- loving/helping fellow country men; hating pak/chinese is NOT patriotism. that's hypocrisy; that's a namesake.

i shall freely borrow lincoln to reflect my view, " A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided."

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

prototype - mould oscillation checker

a simple prototype, meant for multiple uses with necessary minor modifications.
applied here for measuring deviations in mould oscillation.

results..... here.


here is the schematic of the setup created with the help of fritzing.


this is the actual arrangement.

accelerometer ADXL335 is kept on the left top side, connected to arduino-uno caged on the right side. there are 5 leads in ADXL335; 3 signal lines for measuring acceleration in 3-axes, and 2 powerlines.

but since, i wanted to measure only the vertical up-down motion, i had left 2 lines(black+blue) unconnected.

arduino is kept in transparent case on the right is connected to usb port thro' A-to-B connector. this feeds serial info to the PC emulating a virtual COM port (COM#5 in my PC).

arduino's 10bit ADC feeds data to PC's serial port in digital values ranging from 0 to 1023. but this wont make sense if just read digitally; graphing would be easier for tracking changes and abnormalities in the stream of values.

resorted to PROCESSING language for graphing. code in PDE is given on top, that includes the resulting graph window.

this can further be elaborated to measure abnormalities in 3-D. further can be extended into a real product from prototype. if controls are implemented thro' GUI, this setup can be applied to other applications like, slag-detection in ladle-to-tundish shroud, Calcium recovery in ladle furnace treatments.

or for anything that needs to be observed for abnormal vibrations. 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

ராஜா வண்ணத்துப்பூச்சி!

ரெண்டு மூணு நாளாவே ஒண்ணுமே எழுத முடியாமப் போச்சு. அதனால, ஏதாவது எழுதலாமே-ன்னு இந்தப் பதிவு.

அதுக்கு முன்ன, உங்க பெரிய மூளைக்கு ஒரு சிறு வேலை. மேல படத்துல இருக்கது எந்த நாட்டுக் கொடி-ன்னு சொல்லுங்க பாப்போம்!?

தெரிஞ்சுதா?! கஷ்டம்தான்.

சரி. விடுங்க. கண்டுக்காதீங்க!

என்ன விசயம்னா, இதையே இன்னொரு 11 முறை திரும்பத் திரும்ப, அருகருகே ஒட்டி வைத்தால்...... என்ன கிடைக்கும்?!

இதான் கிடைக்கும். பட்டுப்புழு!

ராசா வண்ணத்துப்பூச்சி முட்டையில இருந்து வெளிவந்து, புழுவா சுத்திட்டு இருக்கும்போது, அதோட உடம்புல மொத்தம் 12 பிரிவு/கட்டுகள்(segments) இருக்குமாம். எருக்கஞ்செடிலதான் இந்தப் பட்டாம்பூச்சிகள் முட்டையிடுமாம்!

அதெதுக்கு எருக்கஞ்செடி(milkweed)?

அதை சாப்பிட்டாதான், இதோட உடம்புக்கு ஒருவகை விஷப்பொருள் ( steroid- cardenolide) கிடைக்குமாம். ஒடம்பெல்லாம் வெசம்!!!!!!

அப்பதானே காக்கா, குருவி இதைத் திங்க முடியாது!? அதனாலதான். அதும் ஒரு முறை தின்ன உடனே காக்கா, குருவி செத்துப் போகாது! ஆனா...வாந்தி பேதி புடுங்கிட்டுப் போயிடும். அடுத்து அந்தக் காக்காவோ, குருவியோ, இதப்பார்த்தாலே, தெறிச்சு ஓடிப்போயிடும்! சரி...சரி... பறந்துபோயிடும்.

முட்டை பொரிச்சு வெளிய வந்ததும், அந்த எருக்கஞ்செடி இலையை வயிறு புடைக்கத் திங்க ஆரம்பிச்சுடும். அப்புறம், தன்னைச் சுத்தி ஒரு கூடு கட்டிக்கும், ஒரு பத்து நாளைக்கு அப்புறம், ராசாப் பட்டாம்பூச்சியா மாறி, அந்தக் கூட்டிப் பிச்சுக்கிட்டு வெளிய வரும். வெளிய வந்த உடனே பறக்க முடியாது.

ஏன்னா உடம்பெல்லாம், ஈரமா இருக்கும்; அந்த ஈரம் காயிற வரை இறக்கைய விரிச்சு வச்சு உக்காந்திருக்கும்; அப்படி விரிச்சு வச்சிருக்கும்போதே, அதோட வயித்துல இருந்து, இரத்தம் இறக்கையில இருக்க இரத்த நாளத்துல பாய்ஞ்சு ஓட ஆரம்பிக்கும். அப்புறம் என்ன....... இதோ....இதான்....

ஒரு வளர்ந்தபட்டாம்பூச்சியா மாறிப், பறக்க ஆரம்பிச்சுடும்.

அதுசரி!! இன்னொரு கேள்வி! நல்லா உத்துப் பாத்து சொல்லுங்க. மேல இருக்கது, ஆம்பளையா?!  இல்ல.....,  பொம்பளையா?


சரி....இதோ ஒரு பொம்பளை படம்!

நல்ல்ல்ல்ல்ல்ல்ல்லா உத்த்த்துப் பாருங்க. ரத்தக் குழாய் ஆம்பளைய விட, பெரிசா தடிமனா இருக்கும் பொம்பளைக்கு. அதுதவிர, ஆம்பளைக்கு இறக்கைல உடம்பை ஒட்டி, இருக்கறது போல,  ரெண்டு புள்ளி பொம்பளைக்கு இருக்காது.

சரிங்க. இதுவே போதும் இன்னைக்கு; தூக்கம் வருதுங்க. bye. enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! have a greattttttttt day.

நன்றி: BBC-knowledge-sept-oct-2011.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

திங்கள் முகம்!

ஒரு 10 நிமிடங்களுக்கு முன்புதான் இந்துயிசம் பற்றிய எனது எண்ணங்களைப் பதிவு செய்தேன்-கோபத்துடன்! ஒரு பக்கம் கோபம் கொப்பளித்தாலும்..... மற்ற மனித உணர்வுகள் மழுங்கியா போகும்? இல்லையே!

வழக்கம்போல நம்பிக்கை தரும் எண்ணங்களைக் கொண்டுவர நான் தேடுவது என்னவோ புத்தகங்களைத்தான்.

சில நிமிடங்கள் புத்தக அலமாரியில் தேடி எடுத்தேன்.
புலவர்.கோ.பார்த்தசாரதி எழுதி, ராமையா பதிப்பகத்தார் அச்சிட்டு, 2009ல் முதற்பதிப்பாய் வெளிவந்த , "சிலம்பில் அரும்பிய சிந்தனைப் பூக்கள்" புத்தகத்தைப் புரட்டினேன். அப்போது கண்ணில் பட்டது....சிலப்பதிகாரத்திலிருந்து....

                       கயலெழுதி, வில்லெழுதிக் கார்எழுதிக் காமன்
                       செயலெழுதி, தீர்ந்தமுகம் திங்களோ காணீர்!
                       திங்களோ காணீர்! திமில்வாழ்நர் சீறூர்க்கே
                       அங்கண்ஏர் வானத்து அரவஞ்சி வாழ்வதுவே!

தலைவன் பாடுகிறான், தலைவியினைப்   புகழ்ந்து!

கண்ணல்ல மீன்,
புருவமல்ல வில்,
கூந்தலல்ல கார்மேகம்,
முகமல்ல முழுநிலா.

பெண்ணல்ல காதல்தேவதை;

வான்விட்டு, சிறு மீன்பிடிப் படகுகளும், மீனவரும் நிறைந்திருக்கும் இவ்வூருக்கு வான்மதி அவள் வந்துவாழ காரணம் என்ன?

நிலவை விழுங்குவதாய்ச் சொல்லும் பாம்பு, முழுநிலாப் போன்ற அவள் முகத்தை விழுங்கிவிடும் என்று அஞ்சியோ?

தன் மனம்பறித்த பெண்ணை நிலவோடு ஒப்பிட்டுப்பாடுவது ஒன்றும்
புதிதல்ல! ஆனால் இப்பாடல் எழுதப்பட்டதோ, கிட்டத்தட்ட 1500 வருடங்களுக்கு முன்!

ஏன், உங்கள் மனம்கவர்ந்த பெண்ணைப் பார்த்து நீங்கள் இப்போது இதைக் கவிதையாய்ச் சொல்லமுடியாதா என்ன? இல்லை, சொன்னால்தான் பிடிக்காமல் போகுமா? வெட்கம் வராமலா போகும்?!

முயற்சி செய்துதான் பார்க்கலாமே; ஏதோ ஒரு நேரம், முகத்தை சீரியஸாக வைத்துக்கொண்டு, சற்றே யோசனையுடன், சொல்லிப்பாருங்களேன், "எனக்கு ஏனோ இப்ப திடீர்னு 1500 வருஷத்துக்கு முன்ன இளங்கோ பாடின பாட்டு ஞாபகத்துக்கு வருது!" னு சொல்லுங்க.

அவங்க, "ஏன், என்ன பாட்டு?!"னு கேட்டதும், பாட்ட சொல்லிட்டு, அதுக்கு விளக்கமும் சொல்லிட்டு...." இப்பக் கூட...."
அப்படியே திடீர்னு அமைதி ஆகிடனும், ஏதோ யோசிக்கற மாதிரி ஒரு அஞ்சாறு நொடி கண்ணமூடிக்கணும். அப்புறம்....

ஷ்ஷ்ஷ்ஷ்ஷ்ஷ்.....அவ்ளோதான் அதுக்குமேல வேண்டாம். பேச்ச மாத்திடுங்க pleaseeeeeee.

நேர சொல்ல உங்களுக்குக் கூச்சமா இருந்தா, ஒரு SMS...இல்ல...ஒரு whatsapp மெசேஜ்?!

1500 வருஷமானாலும் பழசாகாத ஒப்புமை இது!! இந்தக் காலத்துக்குப் பொருந்துமா-னு பார்ப்போமே! ;-)

படத்துக்கு நன்றி:

je suis charlie! or another french/world revolution!?

charlie hebdo's one-yr attack anniversary cartoon has sparked outrage, only from the RELIGIOUS!

but for atheists world's a moment of joy. it is a public outcry that religion(esp it's violence) can never stifle/ silence the voices of true humanity. it's an announcement that humanity shall always prevail over religious atrocities!

it is a grim reminder that religions have killed more men than world wars had!

from indian perspective uncovering the nasty face of hinduism, further into hot debated topics....

some PROUDLY claim that hinduism came into existence centuries ago. yesssssss, along came INEQUALITY, the worst folly/vice of hinduism. the farther, hinduism dates back; so goes this vice.

centuries/millennia worsened that vice; ~65years of reservations had only alleviated that a little; still could not erase.

why would i hate all religions, especially this hinduism, its culture and its arrangements!?

the excuses/rationale those highly-esteemed bas****s (like manu/ kautilya) gave for stiff social structure they attempted to impose on the indian society thro' the help of the political, socio-econimic machinery go like these.... that, a society cannot function efficiently without people to do ALL the jobs!

well. but ALL members of the society do not get equal/fair opportunity to develop and realize their full potential.

only BIRTH, NOT ABILITY decided everything.

only birth decided opportunities, exposures to the ways of the worldS, guidance available, chances for development, access to various facilities, chances to grow, chances to learn, chances to realize one's worth, chances to lead a dignified life; chances for the pursuit of happiness!

only BIRTH decided your WORTH. birth gave elevators to some; birth gave fetters and chains to some-others. birth added EXTRA wings to some; birth clipped the wings of some-others; birth gave free licenses to some to grow; birth placed prohibitions on others from growing. birth brought to somebody easy EXTERNAL ASSISTANCE to race on the road to development; birth brought to somebody only EXTERNAL RESISTANCE on their way to growth.

and, of course, caste was decided based on your birth/ not on your worth! hinduism is based on that birth-status! hence, i hate hinduism!

what hinduism produced, carefully MAINTAINED is a horizontal split of society: which favored some,so they naturally defend it. it enslaved some-other, so they hate it naturally!

a better, still functional society would be/have-been like this, with a vertical split!

yet, we have blind followers of those worthless, shitheads-chanakya,manu!! as long as religious-vices live, our voices of protests will be raised!

that apart.....
coming to charlie!

heart-felt respects to the slain- chari-the angel of humanity!

salutes to this mighty-hearted 'RISS' leading charlie now!

standing in support of charlie! standing in support of all the vanquished and oppressed!

                                             standing against the terrors of religionS! 
                               we shall "DIE STANDING, rather than LIVE ON KNEES!"

Monday, January 4, 2016

opinions differ! or dhotis and temples!!

Yesterday azhagu sir forwarded me a msg in whatsapp; that msg talked about the dresscode made mandatory by highcourt at temples of TN.

Since it was a private discussion I expressed my gut-feelings readily, without any reservation. Yet I was a bit reluctant for speaking out my thoughts on that issue and apologized; apologized, “if my opinions made him feel uncomfortable.”

For, I was (AND AM) very much conscious of my opinions on religions in general, and hinduism in particular. Since my ideas are a little radical, I had to be always careful about where and how and when and among who I express them. Given this indian society’s backward, reactionary, orthodox majority, I have to be always very mindful of my expressions.

In contrast to my expectation of his disappointment, azhagu sir encouraged me saying, “opinions differ”.
Indeed it was a happy-surprise for me; utterly UNBELIEVABLE response from an individual, born and brought up in india!
Such a magnanimous reply can be rarely expected from fellow indians.

Well. The subject matter was- entry into temples is allowed only for dhotis and halfsarees. It seemed to link two elements.
Dhotis and temples!
But why?

Dhotis and halfsarees are considered traditional dresses of southerners, esp tamils. Those dresses are a cultural identity of tamils.
On one side that court decree seemed to ACCORD dhotis that well-deserving traditional attires status. That’s something really great. I always feel happy and proud to wear dhotis.

But….IN TEMPLES? Why tie-up dhotis with temples?

To many, temples are places of worship; abodes of their gods. But….,
For me…., temples are symbols of slavery, either to gods or to some-humans or to both! Slavery (casteism) of indian society placed some people closest to gods, made them favorites; but it kept some others very much away from gods, made them subservient to those gods and  to those high-born favorites.

got doubt? Then…just go thro’ the story of nandanar! Religious teaching sanctioned inequality; and gave caste system an air of approval; provided base,foundation to the casteist-superstructure; ordinary men may have their perpectives, views warped because of various limitations of their faculties; gods cannot. Generally in front of fair gods/religions everyone will be treated equally, but hindu-gods replicated the social prejudices even more vehemently. Nandan was made to burn himself up in his idiotic attempt to purify himself, because he considered himself a lowborn.

See this….even a saint, was made to think he was lowborn; no amount of religiosity could make him pure but only fire? In that attempt to enter chidambaram temple, he was killed. You say none forced him, only he chose? Yes…..that……and THATTTTTT is what hegemony is! Voluntary submission made thro warped philosophies and teachings. If I follow your gods, philosophies and religious teachings, im your slave forever; there is no salvation for me ever. Doubt? Read the works of these bas****s manu’s smriti, chanakyas ardhashastra. They teach you how to exploit me religiously! They teach me how to submit myself to you RELIGIOUSLY!! Odious devils!

that was the treatment for all my forefathers, and that’s an ENOUGH reason I come to hate prejudiced hindu-gods. And I consider now…that those very temples may pollute my foot if I step into them bare footed. I am farrrrrrrr more consecrated/holier than those gods and their favorites; I would never submit myself unto those gods begging for anything; never fold my hands yearning for blessings; never bow my head in submission. I would NEVER have my life at the mercy of those dishonorable, easily-polluted gods.

If those gods were really so strong in their virtues and purity , no amount of touches of an ordinary man can pollute them; if they get so easily polluted by just a slight touch, then…….f*** them and their sanctity. Just a touch is enough to pollute those f*****g gods? are those touches far more powerful to reduce their purity to nothing?

such was the dignity attributed to many in this religion!

Temples epitomized those vicious social practices CONSPICUOUSLY. And hence…I hate temples!
I can never relish this idea of linking dhotis and temples.

To me….dhotis represent a cultural identity; but temples represent the vice of inequality.

Casteism has lived thro millennia just because of the support/approval given by the gods themselves; only very few finds those practice wrong! Rather the majority feels casteism is something to be protected even at the cost of murdering innocents! Even now!

Doubtful? What about that ilavarasan-divya case? Why religion failed to make those murderers saints?

Inundated in age-old dogmas and morbid practices SINCE BIRTH, surrounded by a society strictly-stratified into multiple layers, representing multiple levels/degrees of slavery in the name of castes, almost alllllllllllllllllllll Indians get their sense of dignity and humanity numbed and desensitized.

Rather than preserving individualism, people lose it to conform to this denigrated social standard, to gain acceptance into the wide majority. Poverty of social education and limited knowledge discourages from exploring, analyzing, criticizing various social phenomena. Everyone seems to think what’s practiced contemporarily IS RIGHT!!! and carefully but blindly follow those practices.

Rarely few break away from this herd mentality; and the initiation comes from their own bitter experiences, and/or exposure to better, well-developed societies and their philosophies.

From the very moment of birth, all through their childhood and forming years, and thro’ their adulthood …..till their death, even after death( thro separate burial grounds and crematoriums), what people see here in india is……..a society classified into inferiors, intermediates and superiors of various degrees and levels; built-in RELATIVE slavery in every walks of life in this society. One rarely considers others as his equals; he is moulded to see strangers and others ONLY as either superiors…..or inferiors to himself; yes, sometimes as his equals if they are from same caste. esprit de corps is felt only among his own casteists; never with all fellow countrymen.

Considering allllllll these…..
It was an unexpected response to receive: “ opinions differ !” from a person born into such a society. that gave me freedom to express my differing opinion! and that freedom raised my respects for him a lot more.

Somehow it immediately made me think of this voltaire’s quote, wrongly-attributed but precise, “ I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it”. 

indeed, azhagu sir 'may not agree with what i say, but he gave me the right to say that!'

It seemed to speak for maturity, for freedom of opinions and ideas, for tolerance of differing philosophies, practices and ideologies.

These are the rays of hope that all is not lost. These are examples that show that men can live with a lot of differences among us, in equal brotherhood, but without inequality.