Wednesday, January 27, 2016

a tale of 2 students! or a house divided !!

during last few weeks, there were few prime news that were paid great attention. two of them were about students.

one was an unknown japanese girl from distant hokkaido . her story had been added extra punch and masala in social networks and regular news media, to make it most presentable, to make it most impressive.

it was about hokkaido railway company operating a long-distance, loss-making, least-utilized trains. less than 10 people shunted up and down for schooling in that track. just to help them commute and continue schooling UNINTERRUPTED, two trains were operated twice a day for 3 years non-stop. if not for that girl's education, that train service would have been stopped long ago. learning she depended on that train, it was decided against closure; it was decided to extend the service till completes her schooling!!

running trains 3 years for a girl and her education! how noble !! 

if not for just a single girl, for 10 people service was kept running. THAT spoke for what it takes to address the needs of the people. it shows that government, companies and their services are there TO SERVE THE PUBLIC.

it underscores, just not the universal values a human being deserves in general, but also the respects accorded to those values. it highlights the real motto of PUBLIC SERVICE. it sets an exemplary society, for the whole world to emulate. it earns the heart-warming respects from every part of the world, cutting across all national boundaries.

companies are NOT there just FOR PROFIT MAKING.
services are NOT provided only to the privileged, but TO EVERYONE that STANDS-IN-NEED of those essential services.


another story about another student from another part of the world! another country called india, a student had ended his life. what ended?! it's easy to dismiss that as a suicide case, but.....fact is, a 26-years old student had been cornered and forced to death!'s a suicide! nobody's hands are soiled with the blood of the dead ! 

apathy and indifference of this society offered no hope, no comfort to that suffering soul!

the country, which is secretly fractured along multiple dividing-fault-lines, now stands almost completely divided into two sides, each accusing and warring with the other

who is right and who is wrong ?! each side justifies itself ! each side finds fault with the other !!

how to understand this situation now ? how to get to the facts ? how to judge from a NEUTRAL view point ?

troubles started since yakub mamon hanging and intensified during muzaffarnagar baaqi hai documentary screening.

allllllllll attempts were made by ABVP across pan-india to stop muzaffarnagar baaqi hai screening. at many places ABVP successfully took away the right to freedom of expression. when the same issue flared up in CUHyderabad, this fellow talked against the objections raised by ABVP to stop screening of that documentary.

clashes, letters, reminders, committees, punishments, ostracism and death.

india has carefully constructed a society which is soooooooooo negative that only few are permitted to grow. others have no room to ask for equality/dignity/respect/opportunities.

couldnot avoid remembering a quote(modified) of shiv khera - " in a positive society, an average performer grows to perform even better. but in a negative society, even a best performer is reduced to average."

simply, an EQUALLY supportive society, would support EVERYONE EQUALLY to grow; but a destructive society never allows ALL but only a few to grow. some privileged crows would be painted and coloured like parrots. some mynahs would be burnt to pitch-black-cinder and would be termed ravens(or anti-nationals ?!).

i get a smirk when some naive say that pakistan & china are the worst enemies of india; i dont think pakistanis were in the campus of CUH. was it chinese that cornered that poor fellow to death? who killed those 100+ and displaced 50000+ in muzaffarnagar riots? who killed more than 2000 in gujarat?

pakistanis? chinese? IS? missionaries?

more indians are getting killed by fellow indians rather than by pak/china! indians are the worst enemies of indians!!

rather than killing and abusing fellow indians.....rather than hating pakistanis and chinese, indians would fare better, if they help each other to grow better. 

that's TRUE PATRIOTISM- loving/helping fellow country men; hating pak/chinese is NOT patriotism. that's hypocrisy; that's a namesake.

i shall freely borrow lincoln to reflect my view, " A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided."

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