Thursday, December 15, 2011


    It’s been months since I wrote any piece here. Though many times I thought of writing, the nuclei of thoughts never grew matured enough to be delivered here, and that’s more because of my laziness. Waking up a blog from coma is not too difficult an issue I guess….particularly when we write just to get our ideas recorded in electronic media which may never get noticed….and when we don’t have any reader following us, we are free from the pressure to keep things updated to keep the blog alive and the readers, if any, in thrall… this feels like sifting for gold lumps in river sand, we don’t know when we get something really worthy, but we got to sift tons of waste.

    This link has a small writing of Khalil Gibran. Even though I had not read much of his works, just this story of lion and sparrow drew all my thoughts. I think the message is very evident that it does not need any interpretation; yet, I would like to record what sort of ideas it generated or evoked in my imagination.

The lion is brought by SLAVES, and the sparrow is speechless, both are in cages. It is this similarity of conditions that brings about the fellow feeling or brotherly feeling even between different species, like a lion and a sparrow. It has so much wisdom that people from different walks of life, with different backgrounds, languages, races, regions, religions and the like, may share similar oppressive conditions, and that condition should bring them together in the fight against the exploiting group(s). 

    I could not avoid thinking of the very famous slogan of Karl Marx, `` workers of all countries, unite”. i dont know what khalil gibran might have thought of while writing.

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