Saturday, October 26, 2013

In celebration of WWW.

            Came across this article when I was searching for a drawing/image-that would suit a piece of writing I planned- on web of causation.
            Out of context for my search, it discussed about the advantages the WWW(web) has brought to human beings and the advantages of linking data.
It said how Haiti rescue became soooo efficient as the individual users-updated-maps became handy and useful; further added, how-in ohio- discrimination faced by the colored was brought to light through linking data and mashup map; and how potentially dangerous spots for cyclists were mapped down to alert and warn cyclists in UK.
Though this was just the first of the four parts article, this was very much sufficient to make one understand the advantages WWW has given us.
But… there are governments and people who would want to filter, regulate, bridle, limit, ban, and curtail the information available on www- and not for some good reasons. They just want to reduce the freedom of access to information, sharing knowledge on many pretexts. Some of those excuses/pretexts are…..exposure of defence areas to terror strikes (against mapathon in india), spreading rumors, inciting anger through social sites and such.
The worst of all…..the arrest of an individual, just for “liking” the status of a friend, after thackerey’s death.
Indeed, WWW faces threats, not from individuals but from legal organisations, mostly supported by governments.
If powerless, ordinary, unorganized individuals can spread false informations in digital media sooooo efficiently, can’t the governments-with so much money, power and organized workforce-dismantle such rumors in the same way??! They can.
But…. They do NOT want the people to know everything, lest people may get to know even the crimes of the same governments too. People may come to know-more than what the governments want them to know.

WWW enables us to have access to unlimited knowledge, unlimited information, and unlimited data. Only those-with dirty secrets-are afraid of this.

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