Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Ukku nagaram - a self-sufficient company-township occupied by more than 8000 families of employees that work for the company. A melting pot of Indians from many parts of the country. Multiple faiths do find place; aiyappan temple, kali bari, jagannath temple, churches, mosque and the like. 
Kids raised here often become multi-linguals, speaking usually 4 languages conveniently.
            Too many parks, recreation centers and couple of clubs to entertain people. Greenery makes it look almost like a piece of paradise on earth. Provides access to good schools, good water, uncut powersupply, consumer goods and foods never at their MRP.
               Town administration dept does a reasonably good work, keeping the township neat and clean; but….only centers of varied faiths fail in their enlightening roles, at times!!
               It happens, various linguistic groups huddle together and maintain some degree of contacts among themselves. Outside home states, it is natural for everybody to get together with those who speak mother tongue.
               And that inclination, took us to whatsapp too. In whatsapp groups, medley of ideas circulate freely, without much thought/verification many many messages get forwarded/posted.
               And….it’s curious to note ‘what gets the most attention and what’s given the least attention’. THAT speaks- to an attentive ear - volumes about the character of the group in general. Should I call it the welt-anschauung of the group members, in particular?! Orrr… the zeitgeist of the mobile-wielding modern generation in general?! Well…we have no concrete metadata to define what it is.
Whatever…but for a sociologist, it will prove a good source of material to study group behavior (or group theory) in informal situation, for analysis on macro/micro level as one may choose to study/observe.
Remarkably, EVEN in this age of smart phones with 4th gen LTE, practices of dark ages are still adorned, blindly followed; and that…..in the name ofOUR CULTURE”.
Sure…mobiles are getting smarter, and people are becoming dumber. Wait, im not talking about digital amnesia that google is accused of.
Every culture should evolve over time, casting off bad elements, embracing good elements while preserving ONLY the best. So…here indians have preserved THE BEST, as seen in this pic that got posted to the group.

Pathetic…abominable…….ohhhh this language fails me badly at this moment, running in short supply of all the negative adjectives that I may hurl this repulsive display of  slavish attitude.
Let me analyse this pic a little, certainly not professionally. A professional may throw much more light than what an ordinary man can do, provided he’s neutral and sensitively human. Desensitized professionals - who CERTAINLY come in very large numbers in india - can never find anything wrong with this; let alone ordinary Indians.
Now about the pic…..
a devotee?!….sorry… a slave bows its head seeking blessings of….actually a bastard, but the slave thinks that it is …a saint.
and that religious megalomaniac places its foot on the slave’s head as a mark of blessing. One more slave pours water to purify the first slave?! Another one looks on approvingly. Oh….what a sight!!!!! Incredible india….and there I hear the loud cry for digital india. Shit. Literally shit. Soooo degraded. Menial slaves and their preposterous masters in their degraded society with rotten, stinking culture!!! All other slaves condoning this act…..silently acknowledging and approving it.
To those downgraded minds, this seems very very normal. Nothing to get agitated. No human dignity is offended. Nothing.
This gets posted in a whatsapp group. And none diaspproves it in the group. it silently gets acknoledged, some even go to the lengths of defending that age-old act.....in most modern communication devices among people who seem educated.
if you remain silent or acknowledge or approve  or accept it, then......
YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU...... are a slave CULTURALLY, SPRITUALLY & MENTALLY, living in a lowly, stratified, despicable society.
YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU...... are a slave THAT DOESNOT know its spirit is guided by slavish ideology/morality.
YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU...... are a slave that is UNAWARE that it' s a slave.
YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU......acknowledge or approve  or accept that somebody, like me, is superior to you.

calibrate yourself.

 if i were malcolm x, i would turn my language into acid to pour into those deafened ears.
if i were cicero, i would pierce those stoned ears with words as sharp as spear-tips.
if i were robespierre, i may speak to instigate another french revolution.
if i were spartacus......well.......
i know i am not.

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