Thursday, September 17, 2015

sound of the sun

Oooh…these whatsapp forwards!! Seems non-sense has no limits, and it easily finds its ways into whatsapp. Looks like technology advances a lot and reaches everyone’s hands, but not everyone’s mind. Latest mobiles have reached everyone’s hand, but people seem to rarely upgrade their knowledge of things. Ok.ok….it’s NOT absolutely NECESSARY to know each and everything. It is something immmmpppppossible. Difficulty admitted.
            But unbelievable that some forwards are sooooooooooooooo stupid. Those who receive such forwards, blindly further forward it to others without a second thought, without stopping for a moment to analyze/verify the validity/authenticity of those claims.
            Recently received a forward that talked about the SOUND of the sun!!! And it went onnnnnnnnnnnnn to add a lottttt (of course, senselessly) about bio-photons in human beings, sacred sound, communication at/above the speed of light….universal consciousness…!!! Shit!

            It’s hidden agenda- to extol a particular religion. (As usual, by fooling people)
            As with other myths, that presenters opens his unlimited lies, mixed with pseudo-scientific terms……only to fool the gullible, naïve people into the pool of stupidity, called….. ok, I wont say blatantly, people will protest saying, ‘hurting religious sentiments’.

            Listen to what the presenter says. 

            One cannot avoid wondering at the complete "CONVICTION & supreme CONFIDENCE" with which these nonsenses are spoken of, as if they were plain truths.

Also listen to the original sound files that can be found in the archives of the voyager and other space missions.

What did you hear?! sun farting?!?! or....“Sound of aum?!?!?” if your answer is `YES’, then….either you need to go for audiometric tests…..orrrrr…ensure you are not hallucinating.

It is NOT the ACTUAL sound of sun. It's "ARTIFICIAL RENDERING" of the plasma wave whizzing past voyager1. probably frequency & amplitude of that "plasma" wave/cloud particles adopted for that artificially-generated-sound wave. Those plasma waves/clouds were recorded as v1 was entering into interstellar spaces leaving heliosphere.

Scientific terms are grossly distorted to confuse people, to breathe life into moribund stone-age phenomena.....hard-earned advances of modern science exploited to prop up fundamentalism. Presenting those developments as if they were nothing new, but already found in those old religious dogmas.

            Ooh….comeonnn…now I understand, it’s the sound of sun while doing yoga on international yoga day at the behest of PM? Probably, soon, someone may send a forward claiming: even sun obliged the advice of PM and started doing yoga, reciting “aum”.  And that was the sound recorded by nasa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Say so, and there are thousands of fools ready to forward all non-sense.

Waiting for one such.

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