Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Happy birthday...

To celebrate a birth day.....
A candle light dinner on a beach resort can be arranged.
A birthday cake can be cut at 12midnight.
A bouquet of roses can be delivered at the door step.
A golden or platinum ring can be given as a surprise gift to stay together forever.
An adorable set of dresses can be a nice gift too.
An earring can be nonetheless apt to signify love.
A surprise visit to an icecream parlour could be wonderful.
A long, undisturbed drive at the dusk in a mild, breezy evening along a deserted road can be magnificent.
There are a thousands ways.....,
to celebrate your birthday....
to show love....
to express self.....
to mean you were the world....

what can i do when you wanted me away from you?

No matter how sincerely and earnestly i want to wish you......
i could do nothing but stay away from you. To let you have unspoiled happiness on your birthday.

The rushing wind never stops to look at the falling rose petals.
Even when they fall none hears any sound.
go on..
go on...
go on....

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