Saturday, September 19, 2020

செப்டம்பர் 19

 every 19th-september is remembered for the bitterest experience it brought with it.

it is unfortunate, that some memories can continue to haunt us all through our lives. years passby; yet those memories stay fresh forever sometimes.

that evening is relived every time on this day of the year. and not just on this one day, but everyday.
we try to reason with those events; try to make the best of the worst; try to cope with it. since, there is no other choice left.

they teach us to make our lives more meaningful; more useful to people around us. family, friends, fellow human beings around look more human and needy.

we try to make our lives more meaningful by caring about the people we come into touch with.💐

another anniversary of that unfortunate event goesby, like every time. world around us knows nothing about it. goes about its business undisturbed. but, we relive that event all alone....silently all alone.... on an anniversary, more poignantly.

lets continue with our daily lives. let those memories grow less painful and more instructive. lets call it a day!

oh....that evening!

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