Friday, October 9, 2015

divine land!

On monday I attended a daylong session on “behavior based safety management”. It started with a surprise, because the first part of the session was taken by Dr.AAG Nathan. Off the professional boundaries, he’s a friend through a whatsapp group.
As mentioned, it was about safety. It talked about unsafe acts and unsafe conditions. It talked about %s of losses due to unsafe acts….. and….. unsafe conditions.

If you ride on your bike on a busy highway at 150kmph speed, then that’s…an unsafe ACT.
And, if there is a pothole on that road, then that’s….an unsafe CONDITION.
Either, of these two, can kill you. and what can kill you, is not safe!

Well. All things were fine for quite some time. Later….. on a tea break, I could not avoid pondering over this term….unsafe CONDITIONs! Though the session focused only on industrial and road safety, it just popped in mind….

“how about safety in society!?” is it organized and governed properly to give SAFE living CONDITIONs?
Can an unsafe condition in society too kill you?!

Can u imagine, being dragged out of your home around midnight by a mob, getting kicked on your stomach and groin, getting your head smashed to the cement flooring right in front of your family members…… getting your lip torn apart & teeth knocked out….. bleeding profusely from your mouth….getting clubbed, thrashed and slashed using crowbars, batons and sickles…
as you die, watching your elderly mother getting punched and lacerated in the eye …. ?
as you die, watching your son facing almost the same fate as you are facing…..?
as you die, watching your daughter being molested….?
Can you imagine all these without a feeling of horror? Can you imagine all these without a feeling of helplessness? Can u imagine all these without a feeling of sympathy?
Can you imagine all these, without the sense of humanity? Without which we can never qualify as human beings. Humanity towards fellow human beings is the first and foremost, basic qualification for being humans.
…if this happens to you and the society moves on as if nothing happened, without any sympathy what so ever……?????
A man was put through this hell on earth, on the so-called divine land…..india. and what was his mistake?
He ate meat!
Not known whether it was beef or mutton. Be it whatever. That mob alleged that he ate beef and lynched him to death. And the society….looks on unmoved!!

This is how cows became holier than a man!

Some maniacs decide what you should/shouldnot eat! Disobey, ….and you will get killed, inside your house, in front of your mother, in front of your son, in front your daughter! No one is going to stop that mob, because they are holier than you! No one is going to help you, because you are a sinner!!
Yes, one should feel very proud for living in such a holy land!

When the wolves hunt down a hare, there will be foxes that will be happy.
When the lions hunt down a stag, there will be hyenas which will celebrate.
When an eagle devours chicks in the nest, there will be ravens to feast on and rejoice.
When a man is butchered unjustly, unfairly, cruelly,…… there are some social animals that celebrate. There are some zombies that are insensitive as corpses.

And then there are some humans-called atheists, mourning the death of a fellow human being, and cursing the non-existent gods that had failed to protect an innocent man and his family! In his last minutes, he might have implored to the gods; yet…. those gods did not answer his prayers or save him or his family! IN VAIN, that religious man’s and his family’s prayers went.

What’s the future for those left alive in that family?
One son is battling for life in his death bed-sent there by the same holy mob.
Another son is serving in the army, protecting the country men - who killed his father and maimed his brother.
A daughter, self-respect & dignity stripped off by that mob, and gracefully left to live on.
A mother, at this elderly age, that witnessed the death of her son right in front of her eyes. Life will be hell for her. Will that family ever be able to recover?
All for eating beef? This is the society we had evolved! This is the society Indians are proud of! Do you hear someone is talking about digital india elsewhere? But carefully remains silent on this issue here. Is this what you call, a silent consent?

When this message is posted on a whatsapp group……the entire group is supremely silent! What a show of humanity?! None to condemn this inhuman act!
And believe me, that great group talks in volumes!!!!!.....about ethics and etiquettes; about love and compassion; about honor and respect; about values and tradition; about humanity and dignity; about friendship and brotherhood; about freedom and liberty!!!!! Yet…….on this issue?! Complete silence, a silence as in a graveyard of zombies!
Yes…..indians, with all the double standards! What else can be expected other than silence? Silent consent?

Now….where is the SAFE living CONDITION in this society? Remember this, unsafe conditions can kill YOU too! and you know....i should feel proud of this land and society? dont you feel proud? no? are not patriotic!

honestly....i am not.

i am not patriotic, if your patriotism is more about hating pakistanis/chinese than loving fellow downtrodden indians.
i am not religious, if your religiosity is more about hating ppl of other religions than loving your own (but other caste) people.

in my creed, i am just......a human. nothing more. nor less.
in my nationality, none is above me. none is below me. 
every human is my friend, every suffering life is my brethren.
And....YESSSS....... No cow is holier than a human being!

UNITY, only to hate and kill another innocent man?! hell with, whatever NAME-THAT sort of UNITY-takes.

in humans, humanity will certainly bring in stronger unity than hatred can.

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