Tuesday, March 29, 2016

india vs somalia !?

a classmate-friend forwarded this image to group and asked our opinion on it!

in world happiness report-2016, india stood at a dismal 118th place, while somalia ranked 76.

i tried to glean from some websites and attempted to understand how the study was done! sampling method, representative sampling to total ratio! method to rate that happiness! and the like.

responded in the group after skimming thro those sites.

Somalia vs india
Went thro a couple of websites for info.
Happiness index measured 6 factors-GDP, life expectancy....more imp FREEDOM, SOCIAL SUPPORT, CORRUPTION & GENEROSITY.
In last 4, india would've fared really rreally bad in general.
Somalia is raising itself from a lot of turmoil(qud giv a lot of hope) while india is slowly slipping into it(giving despair to many, but a few)
somalis seem happy to get three times porridge aftr toooo much of poverty n hunger
Indians still get chicken briyani,but doubtful n uncertain which religion/caste/party has laced thay briyani with poison
Truly telling ....never knew anything abt somalia....except in the movie- black hawk down.

and while writing this online, i found this in wiki.

as expected, countries with better distribution of happiness among individuals was taken into consideration.

in simple terms, it said, more than how much money/facilities one country has....,  how well/fair those are distributed among all mattered.

that is...people in a country with relatively lower GDP can be happier than those of higher-GDP-country! because, to have a happy life, money alone is not sufficient. there are other few essential factors, which were measured in that UNreport.

it conspicuously notices, people of those countries with less inequalities of happiness are happier.

money....is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition to make people happier.

it would be interesting to note.

india's regional neighbour-pakistan (whom majority brain-washed indians consider an enemy) scored better at 92nd position in the total of 157 countries.

it's remarkable that, in those 6factors measured.....

india scored least in level of corruption (that india is heavily corrupted),

second least in social support ( that the indian society is in general very negative and unsupportive; that individual indian gets only limited help from fellow indians), (how much others help you)

third least in generosity (that individual indians are generally selfish, dont help those needy indian people) (how much you help others)

matter of fact is..... indians are the worst enemies of indians. not pakistanis or chinese.

there's a good quote about problems....the first step in solving any problem, is recognizing there's one. (thanks to jeff daniels of newsroom; i stumbled upon this quote in youtube)

will indians ever realize what the problems are?

even more important. will majority indians ever take THE FIRST STEP? 

be happy if they dont hunt you down for saying that there are happier countries than india! you may get stamped ANTI-NATIONAL by that pan-indian saffron party, its fanatics AND by FELLOW PATRIOTS!!!!


i have a curiosity...if any1 conducts an ONLINE-POLL asking people to vote for countries they consider the most happiest-online.

sure. india will probably stand 1st or 2nd ;)

perception of indians is such; projections on indian mass media is such; well-informed indians are but a few.

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